We are dedicated to serving the reline needs of mine sites throughout Latin America. We are building and training a reline workforce by bringing Kaltech’s expertise, knowledge, training, and experience to Latin America.
Our Team

David King
Chief Executive Officer & President
David oversees all operations in Latin America, including new business, client relations, marketing, financial planning, company policy, and crew and staffing development. David began in the mining and construction industries as a rigger in the mid 1980’s, working mainly on structural steel buildings and structures. David joined Kaltech in 2001 as one of the original crew members, and in 2007 he formed and managed the Kaltech Arizona division. In January of 2017, David, along with COO Janae Mitchler, and later Nathan Mitchler, formed the Kaltech Panama and Kaltech Central companies in Panama and later the larger Kaltech Latam group of companies, which now includes Kaltech Chile, Kaltech Dominican Republic, and Kaltech Peru.

Silka Atencio
Executive Assistant
Silka has substantial experience with office management and assisting with employment matters. As Executive Assistant, Silka assists members of the executive team and helps manage day-to-day operations and personnel matters. She is integral to the management and execution of payroll, accounting requirements, logistics, and employee matters as directed by company executives

Janae Mitchler
Chief Operating Officer
As COO, Janae is in charge of developing the first and only all-Panamanian team of skilled Mill Reline Specialists and oversees employee growth throughout Latin America. With 20 years of experience with Mill Relining Services, and a focus on the Human Resources aspect of business operations, Janae identifies and recruits career-minded talent and helps those individuals obtain the necessary and valuable technical skills that professional, safe, and efficient mill relining commands. Janae oversees operations, productivity, daily administration, and maintains efficient operations across all divisions within the organization. She also collaborates with the Owner, CEO, and General Counsel on company vision, operational strategy, and regional expansion.

Luciano Vergara
Operations Engineer
Luciano is a certified Industrial Engineer with experience in team coordination and administration. As Operations Engineer, Luciano oversees job logistics and post-job reporting. Luciano is responsible for the Technical Division, for which he coordinates technical training and tracks job and crew performance

Nathan Mitchler
General Counsel & Chief Financial Officer
Nathan oversees all legal and financial matters including corporate governance and compliance, intercompany agreements, transfer pricing, tax obligations, labor, and employment matters, and contracting with partners and clients. With over 20 years of experience as an attorney, Nathan uses his insight to guide operations in Panama and throughout Latin America. He is a former partner of an international law firm where he focused on complex litigation, business disputes, and intellectual property law. Together with the Owner, CEO, and COO, Nathan shapes corporate vision and operational growth in Latin America.

Harry Duncan
Reline Technician & Workshop Manager
Harry is a Reline Technician and the Workshop Manager. In addition to his training and experience with mill relines, as Workshop Manager, Harry maintains and manages the workshop and training space, including ensuring proper operation of all tooling, machinery, and specialized reline equipment. Harry also assists operations to help ensure job-specific tooling requirements are executed as directed by the technical division.
Kaltech LATAM se dedica a atender las necesidades de cambio de revestimientos de los sitios mineros en toda América Latina y está formando y capacitando una fuerza laboral de cambio de revestimientos con sede en Latinoamérica.